Lecturer: Prof. Gershon Elber
Lecture: Monday, 9:30 – 11:30, TBD I E-mail: gershon(at)cs I Room: CS 429 I Tel: (829)4338 I Consulting hours: Monday, 13:00 – 14:00
Teaching Assistant: Dr. Boris van Sosin
Tutorial: Monday, 11:30 – 12:30, TBD I E-mail: boris.van.sosin(at)gmail.com I Consulting hours: TBD
The lectures will be based on a new book titled “Geometric Modeling with Splines” by Elaine Cohen, Rich Riesenfeld and Gershon Elber. Three copies of the book are in the CS library. Several useful books (no need to buy them) are:
Models created by CAGD students in Lab 5: